|Align Palette Title Bar|: Click to bring window to front or drag to new position; use command key to prevent coming to front.
|Align Left|: moves selected objects left so that objects have the same left edge.
|Align Top|: moves selected objects up so that objects have the same top edge.
|Align Right|: moves selected objects to the right so that objects have the same right edge.
|Align Bottom|: moves selected objects down so that objects have the same bottom edge.
|Align Vertical Center|: moves selected objects left or right so that objects have the same center.
|Align Horizontal Center|: moves selected objects up or down so that objects have the same center.
|Align Pie/Center|: moves selected objects up/down or left/right to have the same center; |except for arcs/wedges|, which are adjusted to achieve a pie-chart effect.